The Eclipse of the Black Sun

12 min 12 sec | single-channel video | color | sound | 2022
This project emerged as a response to concerning societal developments that have witnessed the rise of antidemocratic and far-right groups.

All participants of the video project "The Eclipse of the Black Sun" want to emphasize that they strongly distance themselves from any ideology depicted within it. In particular, we reject racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, transphobic, and queerphobic beliefs. These ideologies are in direct contradiction to our values of tolerance, diversity, and respect.


Through the video collage of "The Eclipse of the Black Sun", the aesthetics and language of contemporary neo-fascist propaganda were examined. Found footage collected from social media channels of neo-Nazi groups and conspiracy theories promoters were embedded in a staged children's news program.

Further information:

Screenshot of found footage from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of found footage from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of a staged scene from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of found footage from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of found footage from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of found footage from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"
Screenshot of found footage from "The Eclipse of the Black Sun"