Pepe and the white genocide, 2020



This project emerged as a response to concerning societal developments that have witnessed the rise of antidemocratic and far-right groups.
The maker of the video project "Pepe and the white genocide" want to emphasize that he strongly distance himself from any ideology depicted within it. In particular, he rejects racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, transphobic, and queerphobic beliefs. These ideologies are in direct contradiction to his values of tolerance, diversity, and respect.



Pepe and the White Genocide is a conglomeration of stills of news and a gif of a frog, which is accompanied by audio recordings of the right-wing terrorist attacks in Christchurch / New Zealand and Halle / Germany. Both assassins documented their act with a livestream and advocated a widespread neo-Nazi and radically anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. It represents the belief that white people should be exterminated in the context of a Jewish world conspiracy.

The crawling text consists parts of the dehumanizing "manifest" from the Christchurch assassin. Pepe the Frog has become an involuntary mascot of the New Right in recent years and is often used in discriminatory memes.